i3 business academy

by 株式会社 i3 experience



"I want to change the present" I want to improve the future.Decades after the information revolution, in todays information overloaded world, we are lost in life and what to choose.Many people have lost sight of their compass (= signpost) as to what to look for and expect in the future.To everyone who wants to change the present and improve the futureThis membership-based learning app is a member of society, so by learning seriouslyWe aim to "increase the number of adults who can challenge their own potential and create an exciting society throughout Japan."For in-app content"Open content""Basic content""Advanced content""Agent content"And so on, you can watch videos of everything you need to learn to advance your career and achieve your goals.You can also get rid of sala in the future and learn what you need to do freelance or start a business.